My books

A GUIDING HAND - The purpose of life

A GUIDING HAND (or the purpose of life) relates the first years and the search for a meaning to life. It is commonly thought that the future of a child is determined by the family environment, in which it is reared. A good moral education, and above all a good example, is said to be essential. But, perhaps, in no other context, does the law of relativity rule so supreme : it is our inner attitude which will alone determine the positive or negative outcome of events. Every individual carries his portable hell or paradise within so our future is in our hands in spite of all.

Today I know that we only get what we deserve what we need for our evolution and unconsciously ask for and nobody gets more than he can take even if often more than he likes !

Looking back with the wisdom of time I slowly started to realise that every single incident of our life was of paramount importance in the formation of our character. Every event is like the hit of a hammer on a nail, just that kind of hit was necessary to send the nail home : no other kind would have done the job Everything happens in the right moment : the precise moment in which we are able to receive its message or, at least, not to refuse it.

After having longed for a guide for years and years, I finally realized that I had never been without, never been alone : a conscious, invisible hand had directed every step of my life in order to lead me to where I stand today and, hopefully beyond.


THE ATHEIST BELIEVES IN GOD is the fruit of my inner growth. Few are those capable of describing the god they say they believe or don't believe in : Their deep-rooted superficiality in all domains is largely responsible for their self-created problems and difficulties. They simply let life go through them without trying to understand its purpose. I had to grasp what life was all about and decided to dedicate it to the search for Truth.

Astrophysics i opened new perspectives, revealing the slow process of growth. Evolution-involution, cause-effect, the unavoidable stepping stones leading, through constant transformation, from the source to the sea and back again to the source on a higher level. Slowly, everything seemed to take shape and become clear to me. Human imperfections, which had been so irritating, found their justification as I realised that every single moment of transitory imperfection was perfect at the precise point of evolution in which it stood. At that very moment, it could impossibly be different to what it was.

I had to gather the scattered fragments of my being - thanks to self-discovery, self-analysis and finally transformation - to form a powerful, unshakable. center which alone would be able to make me responsible and free It took me 15 years of undiluted hell to know my self, to transform it and become its master instead of its slave but : it was well worth while !

The Italian translation of the Atheist has been published in Italy

COMMONSENSE ABOUT GOD, LIFE AND EVERYTHING ELSE - The art of seeing into the nature of our being

Finally COMMON SENSE ABOUT GOD, LIFE AND EVERYTHING ELSE (or the art of seeing into the nature of our being)

Which can be considered a continuation of the previous two. Many years have passed since I finished writing "The Atheist believes in god" (published in Italy) and my evolution has continued. In the meantime I had freed myself completely of the god made in the image of man but still ignored by who or what the Universe was really ruled and what the object of Existence was ? Though trustingly accepting the guidance of the Masters and the Wise I had to find my own way and to speak only of what had become my own reality.

Mistakes in thinking - says Paramhansa Yogananda (Founder of Self Realisation Fellowship in Los Angeles. He was and is the greatest proof that science and religion can and should go hand in hand) are responsible for our bad integration to life and adds that "without doubt and investigation you will never find Truth."

So I started investigating, and it was then that Fritjof Capra with his "Tao of Physics" crossed my path projecting me in to an other dimension in which the doors flew open one by one Beginning at the Big Bang and retracing events back again to our times I found the SUPREME CAUSE (Cosmic Intelligent Mind or Universal Energy) with its Laws which is certainly and fortunately not made in the image of man. But there was still so much I had to understand before being able to accept it in its integrity and find inner peace, harmony and joy in surrendering to it

It is in fact the only reality and to tune into that reality and respect its Laws ( which I discovered, did not only concern the world of matter but also the invisible world of spirit) was I learnt the purpose of life or Existence (Transformation-Evolution) and the only radical solution to all our problems which can be solved by a simple change of focus I found a plausible explanation to practically everything. All the pieces fitted into the puzzle of the Universe and gave a meaning to life and it was only then that I started understanding the parts.

Common sense Is a new vision of life based on scientific facts and popular psychology. It encourages self disclosure, improvement, transformation and creative thinking My approach to all and every subject is a very vast one since I always bear in mind that the Universe is an inseparable Whole to which we all belong. Every part is inter-dependent and inter-related so that it is impossible to radically solve single problems without considering the Whole.

It is a positive, constructive, non dogmatic challenge to use our scientific knowledge for a better understanding of God, Life and Everything else - an invitation, a provocation to force the reader to go deeper into the root-cause of the general world situation.

There are many books on this subject, many brilliant suggestions, but they are all incomplete : they tend to change only the effects of a cause left untouched : our general, individual, collective and popular attitude towards Existence and all forms of life which will inevitably go on producing the same effects in spite of our learned gibbering. For if our society is corrupt, it is because most of those which compose it are actively or passively so too and only pretend to want a radical change so long as they have nothing to lose by it.

Know thyself and you will know god and the Universe are said to be the words of the Oracle of Delphi but it was only after having delved deeply into the history of our Universe that I started knowing myself better, understanding others and getting as close as is humanly possible to the Essence. It wasn't always very agreeable, but it was then that my whole inner and outer attitude towards Existence started to change.

I believe in a purposeless, self-generated Universe with neither beginning nor end. In perpetual movement creating and destroying, evolving and involving, it is ruled by certain ineluctable and immutable Laws and said Yogananda - "You cannot suffer unless you go against those Cosmic Laws" and adds that "Neither god nor guru can help you until you tune into them."

We are neither judged nor punished by a god made in our image. We punish ourselves ! The law of cause-effect simply obliges us to assume our responsibility by accepting the consequences of our deeds.

So we are responsible for our fate even if the Cosmic Boomerang often reacts rather slowly and we don't know what we are paying for !

To learn to live in harmony with those laws instead of ignoring or fighting them can be considered Evolution : the aim of life and the path leading to wisdom and understanding.

So, if we want to better our individual and collective existence, we shall have to start with ourselves. It's as simple as that and there is no other solution!

So many questions still remain unanswered so many thoughts incomplete. Perhaps, remembering Socrates words "The more I know, the more I realise how little I know" we would be more open to receive the ever valid ,terribly relative, infinitely contradictory, sublimely paradoxical. Truth